US senator slams Biden for deflecting blame for ‘disastrous’ withdrawal
Jim Risch says the rights of women and girls and minorities have been erased as a result of Biden’s ‘botched.
Jim Risch says the rights of women and girls and minorities have been erased as a result of Biden’s ‘botched.
The former US special forces translator moved to Washington, D.C less than a year ago after being robbed at gunpoint.
The findings highlight a significant learning crisis in the country, where even enrolled children often face challenges in accessing quality.
The WFP has resources to support only five million out of the 15 million people facing acute hunger.
McCaul strongly denounced Biden's statements as an attempt to downplay the longstanding ties between the Taliban and al-Qaeda.
Amid the backdrop of ongoing challenges faced by Afghanistan, Dickson expressed his concerns regarding the country's dire humanitarian situation.
Under the Taliban's directive, beauty salon owners have been instructed to shut down their businesses within a month.
The signatories argue that the presence of Al-Zawahiri serve as evidence of the Taliban's close ties with the group.
The meetings took place over the past two days, approximately a month after Dickson assumed his position.
Chinese foreign ministry spokesman says US should quit interfering in Afghanistan’s internal affairs and release frozen assets