Amu 8pm News Videos

Amu 8pm News 23 June 2023

The leaders reiterated their strong support for a peaceful, secure, and stable Afghanistan, the statement added.

Ayam Videos

AYAM: Interview with Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid

In this program, host Hasiba Atakpal interviews Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid

Mawj Videos

MAWJ: UN official’s visit to Kabul discussed

In this program, host Nazia Hashimyar discusses the topic with Shinkai Karokhil, former member of parliament.


UN special coordinator meets Taliban officials in Kabul

The UN official said that the international community wants to have good relations with the Taliban


Afghanistan: Dozens of women entrepreneurs attend exhibition in Herat

It was the 16th women's handicrafts exhibition in Herat in the past two years.

South Asia

India’s Modi denies discrimination in his government at press conference with Biden

“I'm actually really surprised that people say so and so, people don't say it,” Modi said.

Amu 8pm News Videos

Amu 8pm News 22 June 2023

Speaking to Amu, the migrants said that they had no option but to live in Pakistan but added that they’re living like “prisoners.”


MAWJ: US findings on al-Qaeda activities in Afghanistan discussed

In this program, host Nazia Hashimyar discusses the findings of the US intelligence agency about al-Qaeda activities in Afghanistan over the next two years.


Bamiyan hosts women’s handicrafts, local products exhibition

Women artists and crafters say they hope sales will improve over the summer, especially as Bamiyan attracts a large number of tourists


‘No ray of hope’ for a positive future for people of Afghanistan, envoy says

Faiq said the Taliban has broken its promises of trying to be more inclusive.