
EU welcomes OSCE report on Afghanistan, highlights plight of Afghan women

The statement expressed grave concern over the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Afghanistan and severe human rights violations by the Taliban,.

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US Congress to address impact of Taliban restrictions on women, girls in Afghanistan

The commission said that since August 2021, the situation for women in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan has "dramatically worsened."

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Female teachers decry salary cuts imposed by Taliban

Since seizing control of Afghanistan, the Taliban has banned education for girls above the sixth grade, forcing hundreds of thousands.

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Ban on female employees by Taliban hinders aid to children, women, say NGOs

However, the Afghanistan Child Protection Area of Responsibility revealed it had only received $22.8 million of the $42.9 million needed.

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Afghanistan’s mission in Geneva calls for probe into Taliban’s ‘gender giscrimination’

The mission aims to compile this information for the fourth periodic report to the "Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination.

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Afghanistan, Women

Findings: Some private schools in Afghanistan have turned into madrassas

These schools admit girls above the ninth grade but with a one-year downgrade in their classes.

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Women’s rights group calls for supporting women in Afghanistan

The statement urges, “Let’s stand with all our capacity alongside the women of Afghanistan.”

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Watchdog claims surge in female drug addiction under Taliban rule in Afghanistan

The watchdog attributed the rise in women’s drug addiction partly to the Taliban's closure of schools and universities for women.

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Female protesters urge religious clerics to oppose Taliban’s policies

They expressed disappointment that religious scholars have not publicly condemned these actions.

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Women’s watchdog claims 2,000 women in Taliban’s prisons

In a statement, the watchdog painted a grim picture of the situation, responding to the Taliban’s earlier assertion that there.

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