
OIC ‘gravely concerned’ about deteriorating rights situation in Afghanistan

The executive committee convened an extraordinary meeting in Jeddah to discuss the “deteriorating humanitarian and rights” situation in Afghanistan

South Asia

Imran Khan warns Pakistan against making ‘irresponsible statements’ against Taliban

Khan said Pakistan’s police do not stand a chance against terrorist groups as they are ‘equipped with modern weapons that the US left behind’


Female students say educational centers had filled the gap when schools closed

Girls in Afghanistan have called for tuition centers to reopen, saying education is their fundamental right and their ‘only happiness’ was in school


Bamiyan: Aid agencies see sharp rise in children working on the streets

Child protection agencies say Taliban’s ban on women working for NGOs has already had a direct impact on children who are in dire need of aid


Women asked to close shops at women-only markets in Balkh

Many of the women are the breadwinners in their families and say without work they will starve and that it would be better to migrate


Taliban calls on Ghor Imams to help track down former soldiers

A local source said the Taliban are carrying out a campaign of harassment in the province against former soldiers and confiscating their weapons


Afghanistan: The workings of a Taliban court and its sentencing system

Legal experts say Taliban judges are unprofessional and defendants do not get a fair trial, nor are they allowed an attorney in court


Taliban’s ban on women working for NGOs was a ‘reckless and dangerous edict’: Ned Price

The US says Taliban continue to show contempt for wellbeing and rights of people in Afghanistan and their disinterest in fostering normal relations


Afghanistan: Armed men beat up wife and children of Kunduz journalist

A Kunduz journalist said he had not been home during the incident but that neighbors told him there had been four armed men involved


Pakistan’s NSC issues ‘subtle warning’ to Taliban

Shehbaz Sharif said after the NSC meeting that Pakistan will adopt a zero tolerance policy for terrorists and that peace is non-negotiable