
Video: Doha hosts meeting on Afghanistan

UN says the aim of the meeting is to reinvigorate international engagement around key issues, such as human rights, in particular women’s and girls’ rights.


Dozens of cyclists take part in Zabul race

Cyclists welcomed the initiation and said they hope the race paves the way for them to take part in events on a national level


Blacksmiths in Takhar struggle to survive amid ongoing financial crisis

These craftsmen say one reason for the lack of business includes the flood of imported tools that are sold on local markets


Vٰideo: Women hold rally in Pakistan

A group of women from Afghanistan in a protest in Islamabad warned the United Nations against recognizing the Taliban.


Women protesters in Islamabad warn against any attempt to recognize Taliban

The women from Afghanistan said human rights groups, including the United Nations, have taken an ‘indifferent stance’ towards the Taliban’s policies


Video: Students in Kabul criticize Taliban’s policies towards women

A number of students in Kabul said the Taliban's treatment towards women and girls' education is "unfair."


Video: No one attends Doha meeting on behalf of Afghanistan

The meeting on Afghanistan in Doha which kicks off on Monday, May 1, will not have any representative from Afghanistan.


Video: UNSC condemns Taliban ban on women

The UNSC condemned the Taliban’s decision to ban women nationals from working for the United Nations, calling for Taliban leaders to “swiftly reverse” their decision.

South Asia

SCO defense ministers meet in New Delhi

The SCO is an eight-member political and security bloc that includes Russia and China.


Video: The boy who lived as girl for 16 years

A boy, Abdul Rahman, lived as a girl for 16 years. Her name was Adila, but was declared as a boy after required medical tests and a small surgery was done for him this week in Nangarhar. His