World Food Program confronts funding shortfall in Afghanistan
Despite the challenging conditions, highlighted in a Monday-released video, the organization cites insufficient funds as the driving force behind the.
Despite the challenging conditions, highlighted in a Monday-released video, the organization cites insufficient funds as the driving force behind the.
Tents still house hundreds of families, but the promise of new shelters is on the horizon as reconstruction work gains.
The continuous deportations from the neighboring country have been taking place through the Torkham and Spin Boldak border crossings.
He believes that any normalization process hinges on the return of women and girls to work and education.
Despite these assurances, recent events have raised concerns about language policies under the Taliban's rule.
Amiri emphasized the need to resonate with Afghans, urging to "unban the bans."
Zahra Murad, a former employee of a humanitarian organization, now shares the fate of thousands of women whose right to.
According to sources, Azada was released from Taliban custody on Monday morning.
As of now, the Taliban has not provided any comments or statements regarding the incident.
The issues discussed encompassed areas such as border disputes, water resources, and other pertinent matters between the two nations.