
Taliban’s Muttaqi denies language discrimination in Afghanistan

Amir Khan Muttaqi, the acting minister of foreign affairs for the Taliban, addressed concerns over language discrimination in Afghanistan, stating that there is no bias against Farsi and Pashto.

Speaking at a gathering of journalists in Iran, Muttaqi emphasized that official letters in all ministries are written in both Persian and Pashto languages.

During a chat with journalists, Muttaqi addressed the presence of Farsi signs in certain locations, clarifying, “If there is a sign written in Farsi somewhere, it does not reflect the Taliban’s actions. In Afghanistan, Farsi and Pashto are our official languages, and both are taught in universities, schools, and utilized in all ministries.”

Despite these assurances, recent events have raised concerns about language policies under the Taliban’s rule.

Instances such as the removal of plaques in universities, including Balkh University, and the Faculty of Engineering at Takhar University imposing restrictions on language use have sparked debates on language-related decisions.

Muttaqi also spoke positively about the political relations between Iran and the Taliban, expressing optimism about their improvement over time.

He highlighted the regular operations of embassies and consulates between the two countries as a testament to their ongoing diplomatic ties.

The backdrop of this discussion includes the Taliban-run Ministry of Higher Education’s directive in May, urging professors and academic staff at Kabul University to refrain from using Persian words like “university,” “faculty,” “court,” and “prosecution” in their scientific works and compilations.

The language dynamics in Afghanistan remain a focal point of attention as the Taliban navigates its governance and international relations.