24 babies die in every 1,000 births in Afghanistan, new study finds
The survey found 31.5 percent of mothers give birth at home without a midwife and 33.7 percent give birth in.
The survey found 31.5 percent of mothers give birth at home without a midwife and 33.7 percent give birth in.
Two doctors and four staff members contracted the highly infectious disease through contact with an infected patient
Doctors said that a four years old child has tested positive for poliovirus in Behsud district in Nangarhar.
Health authorities say 10 people with the haemorrhagic fever have been admitted to the Abu Ali Sina Hospital in Mazar.
Doctors said that a 2.5 years old child has tested positive for poliovirus in Nazian district in Nangarhar.
The organization said reported a 282.5% increase in cases in April, against March, putting the number of infected at almost.
WHO chief says the wild polio cases increased last year; so far this year one case has been reported in.
Three female doctors will treat patients until the end of May at the Turghundi Maternity Hospital which was built in.
The three-day campaign begins at a time when two positive cases of polio were reported in Bati Kot district in.
The only clinic in Badposht district has no windows or doors, lacks supplies and equipment and does not have enough.