
Blacksmiths in Takhar struggle to survive amid ongoing financial crisis

These craftsmen say one reason for the lack of business includes the flood of imported tools that are sold on.

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Kazakhstan unveils its trade plans with Afghanistan

Astana plans to increase its trade cooperation with Kabul, citing a hoped for trade volume of $1 billion a year.

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Afghanistan: Helmand farmers swap poppy fields for lucrative ‘hing’

Known locally as hing, asafoetida is becoming a popular option for farmers in the southern province where the climate is.

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Afghanistan: Kazakhstan to open trade office in Herat city

Kazakhstan says the move aims to help increase bilateral trade between the two nations and to develop Afghanistan as a.

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Afghanistan: Business slow for Herat’s dried fruits market ahead of Eid

People of Afghanistan traditionally welcome guests over Eid with dried fruits but this year they are largely unable to afford.

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Streets of Herat paint a grim picture of desperate times

Having lost their jobs, and now without food aid, Herat residents take to the streets selling anything they can in.

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Women’s Eid al-Fitr expo opens in Herat

The expo of women’s products will run for 10 days and will culminate with the start of Eid al-Fitr later.

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Afghanistan: Business is slow for women at Mazar market

Many shop owners and workers at the women’s market are students denied an education or educated women who lost their.

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Afghanistan: Increase in low-quality medicines irk Herat residents

One resident says he suffers from kidney disease and that his condition deteriorated after using medication sold at local pharmacies

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Afghanistan: Shop owners decry sharp rise in business tax in Herat 

A number of shop owners in Herat, who sell essential food items among other goods, have raised concerns about the.

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