
Taliban defends imposition of ban on beauty salons, sparking backlash

Under the Taliban's directive, beauty salon owners have been instructed to shut down their businesses within a month.

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Former Afghanistan authorities urge US congress to address ‘Taliban threat’, support sanctions

The signatories argue that the presence of Al-Zawahiri serve as evidence of the Taliban's close ties with the group.

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UK charge d’affaires holds talks with Taliban in Kabul amid diplomatic visit

The meetings took place over the past two days, approximately a month after Dickson assumed his position.

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China criticizes ‘incomplete’ US report on Afghanistan withdrawal

Chinese foreign ministry spokesman says US should quit interfering in Afghanistan’s internal affairs and release frozen assets

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UN to invite Taliban ‘officials’ to an upcoming meeting: Statement

UNAMA officials said UN chief Antonio Guterres will host the meeting which will be a similar format to this year’s.

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Food prices continue to drop in Afghanistan, WFP report says

Study finds ongoing challenges persist for households, especially over restrictions on female workers, food insecurity, and job losses

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Former US special envoy for Afghanistan, nation-building expert James Dobbins dies at 81

Dobbins became the Bush administration's envoy to the Afghan opposition and played a key role in the 2001 Bonn conference,.

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UK’s special forces at center of Afghanistan war crimes inquiry: MoD confirms

Ben Wallace said in a written statement that he ‘can confirm that the allegations relate to the conduct of UK.

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Afghanistan: ‘Forgotten’ Kunar children have waited for years for proper schools

Residents in the remote Shungali valley say they have been let down by recent government’s who have failed to fulfill.

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Not accepting world’s demands caused lack of recognition, says Haqqani

Haqqani emphasized that they have not acquiesced to any demands from the international community.

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