
Taliban supreme leader ‘refuses’ to meet with Yaqoob and Haqqani

Sources said Taliban defense and security ministers oppose the decision to ban women from attending university and discussed the issue.

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Taliban ban on universities for women contradicts Sharia: Al-Azhar imam

In a statement, Tayeb said the ban imposed by the Taliban on women’s university studies contradicts with the Islamic Sharia’s.

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G7 says Taliban’s treatment of women may be ‘crime against humanity’

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, whose country holds the G7 rotating presidency, called the university ban another step ‘towards the.

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Taliban breaks silence on why they banned women from attending university

The Taliban's minister of higher education gave reasons for the group's decision amid growing condemnation by the international community and.

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International community collectively slams Taliban’s decision to ban women from university

Turkey’s foreign minister also condemned the decision and said the decision to ban women from getting a university education was.

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Saudi Arabia calls on Taliban to reverse the ban on women attending university

The Taliban’s move has been denounced by a number of Islamic countries and organizations, including the OIC, Saudi Arabia, Qatar.

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Afghanistan: Another public lashing, this time in Helmand

Journalists were once again prevented from covering the flogging and spectators were not able to take photos or videos of.

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Male medical students boycott exams in protest over Taliban’s university ban on women

Medical students at Nangarhar University said they will not sit exams until the Taliban has overturned its decision to prevent.

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Taliban releases 2 Americans detained in Afghanistan

US State Department spokesman implied there were more US nationals detained by the Taliban but said he could ‘not give.

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Taliban’s move to ban women from universities sparks global outcry

The international community are ‘deeply alarmed’ by the Taliban’s latest move, another in a string of decisions that are systematically.

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