
8,696 families affected by floods in northern Afghanistan: WHO

Recent fatal floods in the Baghlan, Badakhshan, and Takhar provinces affected more than 8,696 families on May 10-11, according to the UN health agency.

The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that the floods caused infrastructure damage, including roads, bridges, health facilities, and schools.

“Latest reports indicated 347 fatalities and over 1,651 injuries in these three provinces,” the report noted.

According to the WHO, the floods in the northern region affected 1,870 houses, with 84 reported deaths, five injuries, and approximately 40 individuals still missing.

“In the western region, floods have affected 6,000 houses, resulting in five fatalities and over 100 injuries,” WHO stated.

The report highlighted the response to the devastating floods in Ghor province, in western Afghanistan. The WHO Afghanistan office delivered a consignment of 25 metric tonnes of emergency medical kits, tents, and solar lights to support affected health facilities and communities in the province.

The report noted that the WHO maintains a stockpile of medicines and medical supplies, mobilizing an additional five metric tonnes from the WHO Mazar warehouse to Faryab Provincial Hospital and partners’ mobile health teams providing health services in the affected districts of Faryab province.

The WHO warned that the situation in the flood-affected provinces across northern, western, and northeastern Afghanistan remains critical, necessitating the urgent mobilization of additional resources to address the escalating humanitarian and health needs.