
Afghanistan: Flood victims in Ghor still waiting for aid

GOR, Afghanistan — Some women in Ghor province said they have not received aid nearly a week after floods devastated the area, leaving them in a dire situation.

The women report that they lost their homes, food supplies, and livestock in the floods, and now have nothing to eat.

The World Food Program (WFP) announced that $14.5 million is urgently needed to assist flood victims in Afghanistan.

Floods in the northeastern regions, as well as Ghor and Faryab provinces, have caused significant destruction, with women suffering the most.

Some women in Ghor province are now experiencing a severe lack of food and shelter and are criticizing the aid response.

Several affected women say that almost a week has passed without receiving any assistance for shelter or food, and they are struggling with numerous difficulties.

“We have no house, no food, no place to stay, we have nothing. Our lives have been destroyed. I have an old man and a child, and no one has helped us. The flood took our house, our possessions, our garden, everything,” said Shaima, a resident of Ghor.

“The flood came and took everything, including our cattle and sheep. So far, no one has helped us with even a tent or any other aid,” said Ayesha, another resident of Ghor.

In Faryab province, flood victims are also criticizing the lack of aid, emphasizing that recent floods destroyed their homes and took all their possessions.

“The flood took everything. We have no flour or oil to eat. The flood destroyed our homes,” said Mohammadullah, a resident of Badghis.

The WFP stated that $4.5 million is needed to help 80,000 flood victims.

The United Nations reported that recent floods have resulted in 347 deaths, over 1,600 injuries, and the destruction of more than 24,000 hectares of land.