
China awards scholarships to Afghan college students

KABUL, Afghanistan — At a ceremony on Friday, the Chinese Ambassador to Afghanistan, Zhao Xing, awarded scholarships to 60 Kabul University students, enabling them to pursue higher education across various universities in China, as reported by the Xinhua news agency.

During the event, Ambassador Zhao emphasized the significance China places on educational cooperation with Afghanistan. He highlighted China’s commitment to fostering the continuous development of people-to-people and cultural exchanges between the two countries.

One of the scholarship recipients expressed optimism about the impact of China’s educational cooperation on the bilateral relations between Afghanistan and China. Edris Shah, quoted by Xinhua, stated that such programs are crucial for enhancing Afghanistan-China relations.

“Having scholarships would encourage us to study hard,” Shah mentioned, reflecting on the motivation the scholarships provide to Afghan students.

Shah, a graduate of the graphic design department at Kabul University, also noted the importance of these scholarships in strengthening the people-to-people exchanges between Afghanistan and China, thereby enriching the friendly relations between the neighboring nations.

According to Xinhua, over 1,000 Afghan students are currently studying in China, and nearly 200 Afghan students are enrolled at the Confucius Institute at Kabul University, demonstrating the growing educational ties between the two countries.