
Girls’ schools show no signs of reopening with new academic year days away

Photo: Reuters. File photo.

With just five days until the start of a new academic year, the Taliban hasn’t decided to allow girls to attend secondary schools.

Some female students said they should not be deprived of their right to education for another year.

Marriam, who completed grade six in 2023, expressed hope for news on the reopening of secondary schools for girls.

“If the Taliban does not reopen female secondary schools, thousands of girls who graduated from grade six will be deprived of continuing their education,” she said.

Marriam admitted she had considered deliberately failing grade six to remain in school, saddened by the educational restrictions.

Should the Taliban continue to close secondary and high schools to female students this year, the number of girls deprived of education will increase significantly.

Ayat, another student, criticized the Taliban’s decision at an event attended by several Taliban officials in Herat province.

“Why can’t girls study? We have discussed it with deputy ministers and many others. When we asked them, they just laughed and didn’t give us a straight answer,” she said, visibly upset.

She questioned the apparent undervaluing of girls compared to boys and pleaded for the reopening of schools for girls.

Female students have denounced the Taliban’s oppressive measures, asserting their right to education.

It has been approximately 905 days since the Taliban prohibited girls above sixth grade from attending school.

Despite widespread condemnation of its policies toward women and girls, including criticism from the Islamic world, the Taliban has shown no signs of implementing reforms.