
Women’s rights essential for stability in Afghanistan, region, says US envoy

On International Women’s Day, Thomas West, the US special envoy for Afghanistan, emphasized the importance of Afghan women’s rights to regional stability. In a statement made on March 8, West celebrated the “tireless work and courage of Afghan women and girls to secure their rights.”

“Today, on International Women’s Day, we honor the tireless efforts and bravery of Afghan women and girls in their pursuit of rights – including the right to education at all levels, to employment and support for their families, and to participate in public life,” West stated. He highlighted that women’s rights are crucial for the stability of Afghanistan and the surrounding region.

As the world observed International Women’s Day on March 8, calls for women’s rights in Afghanistan intensified both nationally and internationally. Advocates for women’s rights urged the global community to recognize the gender apartheid imposed by the Taliban regime.

In tandem with International Women’s Day celebrations, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced that the empowerment and inclusion of women and girls are central to US foreign policy. “On International Women’s Day, we celebrate women worldwide striving for a better and brighter future,” Blinken remarked.