
Taliban announces appointment of new governors, deputy minister


The Taliban on Saturday announced a series of appointments, including five governors, a deputy minister, and an education department director.

The reshuffle, based on a decree from the Taliban leader, reflects ongoing administrative changes by the group since its return to power.

The Taliban’s spokesperson, Mujahid, released a statement detailing the appointments: Mohammad Ali Jan Ahmad, the former governor of Uruzgan, has been named Deputy Minister of Border and Tribal Affairs. Abdul Khaliq Abid, previously the Deputy Minister of Border and Tribal Affairs, is now the Governor of Paktika. Zainul Aabeddin, the former governor of Laghman, has been appointed Governor of Nuristan, while the erstwhile Nuristan governor, Shir Ahmad Haqqani, will take over as Laghman’s governor.

Additionally, Enayatullah Shojah, the former deputy governor of Logar, has been appointed as Governor of Uruzgan. The former head of Khost’s Department of Education will serve as the Governor of Logar, and the ex-governor of Paktika will lead Khost’s Department of Education.

Since regaining control, the Taliban has predominantly filled government positions with its members, drawing international concern, including from the UN, over ethnic discrimination and the rights of minorities in Afghanistan.