
Uzbek, Russian presidents discuss Trans-Afghan railway project during Kazan meeting

KAZAN, Russia — Presidents Shavkat Mirziyoyev of Uzbekistan and Vladimir Putin of Russia discussed the Trans-Afghan Railway project during Mirziyoyev’s visit to Kazan, Russia, on Feb. 21 Uzbek media reported on Thursday.

The meeting began with Mirziyoyev congratulating Putin on hosting the first international “Games of the Future,” which combined traditional and cyber sports. The leaders then focused on bilateral matters, including the implementation of agreements from their Moscow meeting on Oct. 5-7 last year, Uzbekistan’s Trend reported.

Both presidents expressed satisfaction with the strengthening of Uzbek-Russian relations, emphasizing their comprehensive strategic partnership and alliance.

They appreciated the outcomes of various 2023 meetings, including intergovernmental and interregional commissions, educational and medical forums, and other business and cultural events.

Trade turnover between the two countries maintained positive dynamics, with ongoing projects in industry, energy, transportation, chemistry, pharmaceuticals, and other sectors. Special attention was given to fostering cooperation between regions, with the successful operation of Khimgrad industrial technoparks in Tashkent and Jizzakh regions and the development of Alabuga and Master innovation parks in Bukhara and Navoi regions.

Mirziyoyev and Putin discussed the development of efficient transport corridors and deepening cooperation in railway transportation. They also reviewed regional matters and the schedule of upcoming international events.