
Political figures anticipate Doha meeting to forge path for Afghanistan’s challenges

In anticipation of the Doha meeting, various political entities and figures expressed hope that the conference will pave the way for addressing Afghanistan’s pressing challenges. The National Islamic Movement of Afghanistan, led by Abdul Rashid Dostum, expects the meeting to benefit the nation as a whole rather than specific groups.

Ehsan Noori, the party’s spokesman, noted the meeting’s significance, stating, “As Afghanistan is still under the attention of the UN and other world countries, it is a hope for the people of Afghanistan.”

Mohammad Omar Daudzai, former Minister of Interior, emphasized the need for decisive efforts to tackle Afghanistan’s ongoing issues. A former special forces commander expressed to Amu that international efforts should involve the Taliban, its opposition, and women’s rights defenders to establish a government representing the Afghan people’s will. “All aspects of Afghanistan’s society should be included in such meetings; the Taliban, oppositions of the Taliban, women’s rights defenders,” he said.

Recently, political movements in a joint statement endorsed the Doha meeting and international efforts to resolve Afghanistan’s crisis, highlighting the need for a UN special envoy for Afghanistan.

The Afghanistan Women’s Political Participation Network emphasized the importance of not overlooking women and girls in the Doha discussions. Taranom Saaedi, head of the network, advocated for including the Taliban’s opposition and women protesters in such meetings. “The result and outcome of the negotiations lead to alleviate the current situation and a legal government based on the will of the people be formed,” she said.

Following the Taliban’s Ministry of Justice declaring all political parties in Afghanistan invalid, these parties have underscored the significance of meaningful political negotiations to address the country’s crisis. The international community, including UN officials, continues to call for Afghan negotiations to foster an inclusive government.