
Families restrict women’s movements amid Taliban arrests

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Amid growing concerns over Taliban detentions, many families in Afghanistan are preventing their daughters from leaving home.

Reports indicate an increase in the arrest of women and girls, particularly affecting their presence in markets and urban areas.

Women’s rights activists warn that these restrictions severely impact the mental well-being and education of women and girls in the country.

A recent video on social media, capturing the arrest of a girl in Dasht Barchi by the Taliban, has intensified these fears. Although the date of the video remains uncertain, the rise in such arrests by the Taliban’s Ministry of Vice and Virtue is alarming to many families, who see it as detrimental to the public psyche.

“The situation in the bazaars has become very challenging. Families are now afraid to let their daughters go out even for essentials,” said Rahela, a Kabul resident. Safiya from Herat shared a similar sentiment, noting that her family restricts her from going out alone following the Taliban’s actions in Kabul.

Women’s rights activists emphasize the cultural significance of these arrests, stating they are seen as major faults in families and are insulting to Afghan society. “In Afghanistan’s traditional society, jailing women and girls reflects poorly on their families. It’s disappointing to see men remain silent while their female relatives face imprisonment and torture,” remarked Sanam Kabiri, a women’s rights activist.

The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) has also criticized the Taliban’s continued detention of women and girls in a report, which the Taliban has subsequently denied.