
Denmark donates $2.2 million to Afghanistan, total aid exceeds $20 million

COPENHAGEN, Denmark – The United Nations Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has announced a new contribution of $2.2 million from Denmark to the Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund (AHF).

The announcement, made on Thursday, January 25th, via social media platform, X, indicates Denmark’s continued support for humanitarian efforts in Afghanistan.

This latest donation adds to Denmark’s significant contributions to the AHF, totaling 236.4 million Danish Kroner (approximately $36.4 million) since 2015. Additionally, on January 15, the United Nations Special Trust Fund for Afghanistan (STFA) confirmed Denmark’s donation of $6.2 million (42 million DKK) in humanitarian aid.

The STFA highlighted that Denmark’s contributions are focused on empowering Afghan citizens, particularly supporting women and girls. As Afghanistan faces widespread humanitarian needs, the STFA reported that nearly 24 million people require assistance for survival in 2024.

Since late 2021, Denmark’s total aid to Afghanistan has surpassed $20 million, as per the STFA website.

Established in 2014, the AHF is a country-based pooled fund managed by OCHA. It operates under the Humanitarian Coordinator and is designed for quick and strategic responses to humanitarian crises in Afghanistan, ensuring that funds are directed to the most urgent needs and facilitating efficient emergency responses.