
Uzbekistan, Pakistan discuss key transport and communication initiatives in Afghanistan

Uzbekistan and Pakistan recently held discussions on ongoing transport and communication projects in Afghanistan, as reported by Uzbek media on Wednesday.

The dialogue took place in a meeting between Ismatulla Irgashev, Uzbekistan’s Presidential Special Representative for Afghanistan, and Asif Durrani, the Special Representative of the Prime Minister of Pakistan for Afghanistan.

A primary topic of discussion was the construction of the Termez-Mazar-I-Sharif-Kabul-Peshawar railway line. The Pakistani delegation emphasized the project’s significance in enhancing regional connectivity.

The representatives also exchanged views on the current situation in Afghanistan and the role of the international community.

They further explored opportunities to expand their collaborative efforts in Afghanistan.

This meeting builds on the momentum from February 2021, when Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan signed a roadmap for constructing the Termez-Mazar-I-Sharif-Kabul-Peshawar railway.

The project, estimated to cost around $5 billion, aims to establish a transport corridor capable of handling up to 20 million tons of cargo. This corridor is expected to link countries across Europe, Russia, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, and potentially extend to Southeast Asian nations.