South Asia

Iran-Pakistan talks on Afghanistan security expected today

Officials from Iran and Pakistan are set to hold discussions today regarding the security situation in Afghanistan and the threat posed by militant groups operating from the country, Pakistani media reports.

Leading the talks for Iran is a high-level delegation headed by the Iranian Special Representative for Afghanistan, Hassan Kazemi Qomi. Pakistan’s delegation will be led by its special representative for Afghanistan.

The four-member Iranian delegation, accompanied by Iran’s Ambassador to Pakistan, Reza Ameri, plays a pivotal role in diplomatic efforts aimed at stabilizing Afghanistan.

Qomi is also scheduled to meet with Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Jalil Abbas Jilani. Both Pakistan and Iran share concerns over the situation in Afghanistan, maintaining strong diplomatic ties with the country.

Despite their positive relations with Afghanistan, both nations have reservations about the use of Afghan territory for terrorist activities against their countries.

The urgency of these talks is underscored by recent terrorist attacks in Kerman, Iran, believed to be conducted by militants from Afghanistan’s Nimroz province. Following these attacks, Qomi met with the Taliban’s deputy chief minister, Abdul Kabir, in Kabul, highlighting concerns about cross-border terrorism.

Militant groups, including the TTP and Baloch insurgents, are reportedly using Afghan territory to conduct operations against Pakistan and Iran. Since the Taliban’s rise to power, there has been an uptick in terrorism in Pakistan, with attacks linked to Afghanistan’s soil, Pakistani authorities have reported.