
Salang Pass reopens to traffic after tunnel reconstruction

The Salang Pass, a crucial artery connecting Kabul with northern provinces, reopened to traffic on Wednesday following the reconstruction of its tunnel and other sections.

The reconstruction efforts, initiated in August, aim to enhance this vital link between Central Asia and South Asia.

Taliban Deputy Chief Minister Abdul Ghani Baradar, speaking at the inauguration event, emphasized the importance of the Salang Pass for Afghanistan’s internal connectivity and its role as a strategic juncture in the region.

Baradar also announced plans to commence work on a second tunnel soon.

Situated 3,000 meters above sea level, the 2.7-kilometer-long Salang tunnel is a vital transport route for thousands of vehicles, including cars, buses, and trucks, facilitating daily goods transportation across Afghanistan.

The tunnel has undergone multiple reconstructions due to damage from heavy truck traffic and previous construction issues.

The Taliban has stated that these latest efforts are part of a broader two-year project aimed at refurbishing the 80-kilometer-long highway in phases.