
Joint committee established for improved coordination on Afghan migrants in Iran

As Abdul Ghani Baradar, the deputy chief minister of the Taliban, continues his meetings with Iranian officials, the two sides on Tuesday announced the formation of a committee aimed at enhancing coordination for activities related to the support of Afghan immigrants in Iran.

In a statement released by the Taliban, Baradar has urged Iranian authorities to appropriately address the needs of Afghan immigrants.

Baradar has been in Iran for the past four days, representing the economic sector of the Taliban’s ministerial department. A significant aspect of his discussions with Iranian authorities has revolved around finding solutions to the challenges faced by Afghan immigrants in Iran.

During these meetings, Baradar emphasized the importance of treating Afghan immigrants properly and unveiled the establishment of a joint committee to improve the integration of efforts related to Afghan immigrants’ welfare in Iran.

Nonetheless, some Afghan immigrants currently residing in Iran remain skeptical, asserting that until both sides reach an effective resolution to address the immigrants’ problems, these press statements will have minimal impact on their precarious situation.

One such individual is Zahra Ahmadi, a former media professional with six years of experience, who sought refuge in Iran with her family last year due to fears related to the Taliban. Now, her visa has expired, leaving her apprehensive about potential arrest by the Iranian government and the prospect of being returned to Afghanistan.

According to Iranian officials, the country hosts nearly six million Afghan immigrants, some of whom are undocumented.

The Taliban’s statement further revealed that discussions between the two sides have covered various matters, including boosting trade through the Chabahar port, facilitating exports and imports between the two nations, establishing connections between Iran and China through the Wakhan corridor, linking Iran with Uzbekistan, and expanding the railway project from Afghanistan to Wakhan. These discussions have also encompassed the extension of the railway network from the Chabahar port to Kandahar.

Other areas of focus during the meetings have included efforts to combat drug cultivation and smuggling, strengthening border checkpoints, negotiations concerning the exchange and release of Afghan prisoners in Iran, collaboration on electricity production in Afghanistan, investments in water management, and enhanced cooperation in addressing drought-related challenges.

It is noteworthy that Iran had previously urged the Taliban to agree to the formation of an all-inclusive government as a condition for their recognition.