
Afghanistan’s New Delhi embassy to be handed over to India amid ‘diplomatic challenges’

Afghanistan’s embassy in New Delhi. File photo.

The embassy of Afghanistan in New Delhi is set to be transferred to India’s Ministry of External Affairs, according to two sources with knowledge of the matter.

The decision comes against the backdrop of “diplomatic challenges” and uncertainties confronting the embassy.

Sources reveal that Farid Mamundzay, Afghanistan’s ambassador to New Delhi, has conveyed a message to India’s Ministry of External Affairs, informing them of his intention to relinquish his responsibilities for the embassy by the end of September.

Mamundzay referred to this move as a “collective decision” driven by the “persistent challenges and pressures” faced by the embassy.

While the specific nature of these challenges was not detailed in the message, previous reports have suggested the existence of internal disputes within the embassy.

Reports indicate that the Taliban has appointed Mohammad Qadir Shah, a staff member of the embassy, as the charge d’affaires, a move that has encountered resistance from other Afghan diplomats in New Delhi.