South Asia

India expels Canadian diplomat over concerns of ‘anti-India activities’

India announced on Tuesday that it had expelled a Canadian diplomat, giving just five days’ notice to leave the country. This move came shortly after Ottawa had expelled India’s top intelligence agent, accusing the South Asian nation of involvement in the murder of a Sikh separatist leader.

Canadian High Commissioner in New Delhi, Cameron Mackay, was observed entering and exiting India’s foreign ministry on Tuesday without offering any comment, following his summons and notification of the expulsion decision.

This development marks the latest escalation in a growing dispute between the two countries. On Monday, September 18, Canada had publicly stated its active pursuit of allegations connecting Indian government agents to the June murder in British Columbia.

Earlier on Tuesday, India dismissed the Canadian accusation as “absurd and motivated” and urged Canada to pursue legal action against entities deemed to be engaging in anti-Indian activities on its soil.