
Local TV station in Nangarhar reopens following Taliban shutdown

Hamisha Bahar Radio and Television in Nangarhar province in the eastern part of the country has recommenced its operations after an approximate 20-day halt imposed by the Taliban, sources confirmed on Sunday.

The media outlet, which was seized by the Taliban at the outset of this month, has now been restored to functioning capacity during this weekend, according to sources from the province.

The network’s suspension occurred in the aftermath of a forceful entry by a group of 10 to 15 Taliban members into the TV station on July 31. During the intrusion, employees and participants of a journalism class held by the same outlet were subjected to verbal abuse.

A Taliban member removing the stamp on the door of Hamisha Bahar TV in Nangarhar. August 2023.

This comes amidst a recent spree of journalist detentions carried out by the Taliban over the past fortnight across various provinces of Afghanistan.

The Committee for the Protection of Journalists and other media advocacy organizations have raised alarms about the deteriorating situation of journalists and media entities within the country over the last two years, spanning the Taliban’s rule in Afghanistan.