
Uzbek president commends Trans-Afghan Railway in dialogue with entrepreneurs

During an open dialogue with entrepreneurs on Friday, Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev hailed the significance of the railway passing through Afghanistan, lauding it as “the optimal way for Uzbekistan,” as reported by Uzbekistan media.

Addressing transportation costs, one of the pressing concerns for businesses, President Mirziyoyev acknowledged the lengthy and insecure nature of existing roads. He pointed out that the construction of the Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan-China railroad three decades ago could have facilitated cost reduction and improved working conditions for entrepreneurs.

Furthermore, the Uzbek president underscored the railway’s importance as a prime, cost-effective, and secure conduit to South Asia through Afghanistan. He expressed his optimism that with two such railroads, Uzbekistan could achieve economic sustainability and self-sufficiency.

Recognizing the challenges posed by the current situation, including heightened currency pressure, President Mirziyoyev stressed the necessity to create favorable conditions for entrepreneurs in the realms of export and logistics.

Additionally, the Trans-Afghanistan Railway project was initially announced in 2018. However, shifts in Afghanistan’s political landscape subsequently led to delays in its execution.

The commencement of practical work on the project in 2022 promises to unveil new trade routes and substantially reduce cargo delivery times between Uzbekistan and Pakistan from 35 days to 3-5 days.