
Maui inferno’s death toll reaches 89, marking century’s deadliest wildfire

Officials disclosed on Saturday that the death toll resulting from the devastating Maui wildfires has surged to 89, solidifying its harrowing status as the deadliest conflagration in the United States in over a century.

During a news conference held on Saturday afternoon, Governor Josh Green, underscored the grim anticipation of an escalating death toll as recovery efforts persist and more victims are discovered.

“Exercising extreme caution is paramount. The affected areas harbor heavy metals and toxic residues, posing risks even as debris litters the landscape. The guidelines are clear: steer clear of these compromised structures, for they still possess the potential to collapse with dire consequences. Our toll of lives lost has already reached intolerable proportions. The presence of propane tanks and numerous hazards further exacerbates the danger,” he said.

Saturday provided a stark glimpse into the magnitude of the devastation, as search teams accompanied by trained cadaver dogs meticulously sifted through the remnants of Lahaina.

The process unfolded four days subsequent to a swiftly advancing inferno that laid waste to the historic resort town, erasing cherished edifices and reducing vehicles to molten shells.

A preliminary estimate by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has placed the projected cost of rebuilding the decimated Lahaina at an astounding $5.5 billion.

The trail of destruction extends to more than 2,200 structures that have been either compromised or entirely razed, while the insatiable blaze has consumed over 2,100 acres (850 hectares) of once-thriving terrain.

As the nation grapples with this profound loss and daunting financial burden, the Maui wildfires stand as a harrowing reminder of the ferocity nature can unleash, leaving a community shattered and a region irrevocably scarred.