
US envoy holds talks in UAE, emphasize support for women’s rights in Afghanistan

US Special Envoy for Human Rights in Afghanistan, Rina Amiri, held discussions with representatives from Albania, Bangladesh, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, the Islamic Cooperation Organization, and Tunisia during a visit to the UAE. In a tweet on Thursday, Amiri emphasized that women’s rights are protected in Islam and play a crucial role in economic progress and stability.

The talks resulted in a unanimous agreement on the need to address the extreme repression faced by women and girls in Afghanistan, which poses a dangerous precedent for Muslim-majority nations. Amiri urged against normalizing such policies and called for global support for women in Afghanistan.

Amiri stated, “We agreed to continue working together to support the Afghan people, through our diplomatic efforts and concrete support.”

The US State Department announced on Wednesday that Special Representative for Afghanistan Thomas West and Special Envoy for Afghan Women, Girls, and Human Rights Rina Amiri will undertake a visit to Astana, Kazakhstan, and Doha, Qatar, from July 26 to July 31.

During their stay in Astana, the envoys will convene a C5+1 Special Session on Afghanistan, engaging with colleagues from Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, as stated in an official statement.

Furthermore, the envoys are set to hold discussions with members of civil society committed to advancing women’s economic empowerment in both Afghanistan and Kazakhstan, as part of their efforts to bolster women’s rights in the region.