
Daesh leader killed in US airstrike in eastern Syria: CENTCOM

Photo: CENTCOM. File photo.

In a recent development, the US Central Command (CENTCOM) announced the execution of an airstrike on July 7 in Syria, resulting in the elimination of Usamah al-Muhajir, a prominent Daesh leader operating in the eastern region of the country.

This operation highlights the United States’ ongoing commitment to combating Daesh and its determination to ensure stability in the region, CENTCOM said in a statement said.

General Michael “Erik” Kurilla, the commander of U.S. Central Command, reiterated the nation’s steadfast resolve in defeating Daesh.

“We have made it clear that we remain committed to the defeat of ISIS throughout the region,” he stated. Recognizing the continued threat posed by Daeh, Gen. Kurilla emphasized that the group’s reach extends well beyond the region.

CENTCOM has reported that there are no indications of civilian casualties resulting from this targeted strike. However, reports of a civilian injury are currently being assessed by the coalition.

By eliminating Usamah al-Muhajir, CENTCOM aims to disrupt and degrade Daesh’s capacity to plan and execute acts of terrorism, the statement said.

Nevertheless, the coalition, in collaboration with partner forces in Iraq and Syria, will persist with its operations against Daesh, working toward the group’s ultimate defeat, the statement added.

The airstrike on Friday was conducted using MQ-9 aircraft, which had earlier experienced a prolonged encounter with Russian aircraft. Russian jets had reportedly harassed the MQ-9s for almost two hours before the successful execution of the strike.

This incident underscores the complex dynamics at play in the region, as various forces operate in proximity to one another. Despite this encounter, the United States remains focused on its mission to combat Daesh and will continue to work diligently alongside partner forces to ensure lasting peace and security.