
Two children wounded as Taliban claims to have targeted ‘Daesh hideout’ in Nimroz

Taliban claimed on Sunday that a Daesh hideout was targeted in an early morning operation in the Sayed Abad area of Zaranj city in the west of Afghanistan.

The clash operation started at around 5:30 am and continued for over an hour a Taliban police spokesman Gul Mohammad Qudrat said.

He did not comment on the number of casualties but said that all Daesh members were killed in the operation.

But the Taliban-run directorate of information and culture in Nimroz said that two Daesh members were killed and another was arrested in the operation and that “no civilian was harmed.”

Ikramullah, a resident of Zaranj City, said that they heard a gunfight at around 5 am in the morning and then “the two sides used heavy weapons” and the clash continued for over an hour.

“Taliban went on rooftops of people’s houses in the area and opened fire from there and people were stranded everywhere,” he said.

Meanwhile, a source from Zaranj public hospital said that eight wounded people were taken to the hospital after the incident and that four of them are in critical condition.

“Two children, one six-year-old and another four years old, one woman and five men were wounded. One Taliban member was also slightly wounded. The woman and the two children were in a coma and were in a critical condition,” said the source.

He added that the hospital employees have been “warned” by the Taliban not to share information regarding the wounded or casualties in the clash.

Last week, Taliban claimed to have conducted another operation against a Daesh hideout in Zaranj city.