
One killed in blast in Afghanistan’s eastern city

One person was killed and at least nine more were wounded in a foreign exchange market in the city of Jalalabad, the center of Nangarhar province in the east of the country, on Tuesday morning.

The blast happened at around 2:15pm at the market in Jalalabad city’s District 1 during a busy hour, said an eyewitness.

Mawlawi Nasrullah, the owner of a foreign exchange shop owner in the market, was killed in the explosion, according to his friends.

Two sources from the market said that at least nine people were injured in the explosion.

“I’m fine, but there were a lot of people. Many were wounded,” said Fahim, a foreign exchange shop owner in the market.

Taliban said that blast was due to explosives placed in the market.

Abdul Basir Zabuli, the press officer of the Nangarhar Taliban police command, said that at least six people were injured in this explosion.

A source from Nangarhar regional hospital said that seven of the wounded are in critical condition.

The motive behind the incident is not clear so far. Taliban said efforts have started to arrest perpetrators.

Some shop owners at the market said the blast inflicted millions of losses to the shop owners and some money was lost following the blast.

This comes after an explosion in the city of Mazar-e-Sharif, Balkh province, in the north of Afghanistan in which according to sources at least 20 people were killed.

In another explosion in the city of Jalalabad on Sunday, at least six people were wounded. The blast happened near the only Sikh temple in the city.

Gulcharan Singh, the only remaining Sikh in Jalalabad city, was also injured in the explosion.