
Eight killed as bus leaves the road in Baghlan

At least eight people were killed and more than 40 others were injured when a passenger bus lost control and a left the road on a highway in northern Baghlan province on Saturday, sources said.

The incident happened at around 11pm on Saturday night in Malkhan area in Khinjan district of Baghlan on a highway that connects Kabul, the Afghan capital, with northern Afghanistan.

The bus had been carrying at least 55 passengers at the time of the accident and was traveling to Kunduz province from Kabul.

A Taliban spokesman in Baghlan said that the bus went into a river after losing control.

He said two women are among the dead.
The spokesman said the incident happened due to carelessness of the driver and a technical issue in the vehicle.

The wounded have been taken to Baghlan provincial hospital.

The incident happens a day after a traffic accident in Doshi district of Baghlan killed at least two people and wounded eight others.

Narrow roads, lack of proper highways, traffic signs, no speed control and carelessness of drivers are main factors that have resulted in deadly traffic accidents in the northern highway in the country over the past years.