
Iran arrests seven Afghan nationals accused of kidnapping and torture

TEHRAN — Iranian authorities have arrested seven Afghan nationals on charges of kidnapping and extortion, according to state media reports. The group, known as the “Wild Tigers,” allegedly targeted wealthy individuals in the city of Karaj, near Tehran.

The group reportedly kidnapped victims and transported them to the Shahriar district, where they were tortured in order to extract ransom payments from their families. Iranian media reported that the group filmed the torture and mutilation of their victims and demanded ransoms ranging from $4,000 to $10,000.

One particularly brutal incident involved an Afghan businessman whose ear was sent to his family in Tehran, along with a demand for $4,000, according to Jaam-e-Jam, an Iranian TV channel.

The arrests, which took place last week, followed the group’s alleged confession to multiple kidnappings, extortion schemes, and acts of torture. Iranian authorities also revealed that three members of the group had previously been sentenced to death in Afghanistan but escaped from prison in Herat. It is unclear when the escape occurred, though widespread prison breaks took place in Afghanistan following the Taliban’s return to power in 2021.

Iranian media also reported that the group is suspected of involvement in several murders in the country.