
Taliban claim dismissal of all former intelligence directorate’s employees

KABUL, Afghanistan — Abdul Haq Wassiq, the head of Taliban intelligence, claimed at a recent gathering in Kabul on Thursday that all former employees of the country’s intelligence directorate—previously known as the National Directorate of Security—have been dismissed.

Wassiq implied that these former employees have been replaced by members of the Taliban.

He referred to the previous staff as “undesirable elements from the past” and claimed that they had been “purged” and replaced with “new cadres” from the “Islamic society.”

This comes amid reports from the United Nations detailing instances of torture and detention of former military personnel by the Taliban.

Many former national security employees have fled the country since the previous government collapsed, with a significant number seeking refuge in neighboring countries.

The United Nations has consistently expressed concern over the treatment of former Afghan security forces under Taliban rule, highlighting a pattern of human rights abuses.