
Women’s protest in Pakistan: Boycott any meeting with Taliban

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — A group of women from the Independent Coalition of Afghan Women’s Protest Movements held a protest in Islamabad on Monday to voice their opposition to the upcoming Doha meeting and the potential presence of the Taliban.

In a resolution, the women declared that any “meetings, negotiations, and engagements” with the Taliban are “boycotted and rejected.”

“The world should support the people of Afghanistan, not a terrorist and criminal group,” the resolution stated.

The resolution also asserted that the Taliban have “violated all global principles, covenants, and declarations.” The protesters argued that allowing the Taliban to participate in international meetings would lead to their “whitewashing.”

This protest comes as various women’s protest movements have previously called for the exclusion of the Taliban from the Doha meeting, which is scheduled to take place in 20 days.

International Backdrop and Implications

The upcoming Doha meeting is seen as a critical forum for discussing Afghanistan’s situation, and the potential inclusion of the Taliban has sparked significant controversy. Women’s rights activists argue that engaging with the Taliban legitimizes their oppressive regime and undermines the rights and freedoms of Afghan women.

“We cannot allow a group that systematically violates human rights to be given a platform,” said one protester. “The international community must stand with the people of Afghanistan, especially its women and girls who are bearing the brunt of the Taliban’s draconian policies.”

Global reactions

The international community has had mixed reactions to the potential inclusion of the Taliban in the Doha talks. Some countries advocate for engagement as a means to foster stability and encourage the Taliban to moderate their policies. Others, however, echo the protesters’ sentiments, insisting that any recognition or negotiation with the Taliban is premature and inappropriate given their current human rights record.

The United Nations and other international bodies have been urged to take a firmer stance against the Taliban’s participation. Women’s rights organizations worldwide have called for solidarity and support for Afghan women, emphasizing that their voices must be heard and respected in any discussions about Afghanistan’s future.

As the date for the Doha meeting approaches, the debate over the Taliban’s involvement continues to intensify, reflecting the broader struggle over how to handle the complex situation in Afghanistan.