
German FM calls for careful review of Afghan deportations after knife attack

BERLIN — In the wake of a fatal knife attack on a police officer in Mannheim, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has called for a thorough examination of the situation in Afghanistan before considering deportations to the country.

During a gathering on Tuesday, Baerbock stated that the Ministry of the Interior has been investigating the specific case for some time. “This is anything but trivial, because there is no getting around central constitutional and, above all, security issues,” she said.

The attack, which occurred during an anti-Islam gathering in Mannheim, has reignited the debate over Germany’s suspended deportations to Afghanistan. “Of course, we have an interest in ensuring that perpetrators who have committed serious criminal offenses are repatriated as quickly as possible,” Baerbock added, noting that rules have already been tightened in response.

Baerbock highlighted that, like other European partner countries, Germany does not have an embassy in Afghanistan to facilitate these repatriations. “Last but not least, we owe it to the victims that the perpetrators serve their sentence in prison and that murderers are not set free in Afghanistan,” she said.

The incident underscores the complexities and sensitivities involved in deporting individuals to Afghanistan, particularly in light of the country’s ongoing instability.