
Taliban sells 20,000 tons of zinc from Bamiyan for $7.8 million

KABUL — The Taliban-controlled Ministry of Mines has sold 20,000 tons of zinc from Bamiyan province to a private company for $7.8 million.

The zinc, extracted from the Ganda Kotal deposites in Yakawlang district, was sold through a bidding process, the ministry said.

Wakili Limited won the bid, offering $390 per ton, out of 31 participating companies.

This transaction marks a significant increase in the Taliban’s sale of Afghanistan’s mineral resources.

On Tuesday, the Taliban announced the sale of 60,000 tons of crude oil from the Amu Darya basin for approximately $33 million.

Revenue from mining and taxes is a crucial source of income for the Taliban regime, which has faced criticism for failing to provide job opportunities and improve the economy. Many citizens, despite holding degrees, struggle to find employment and accuse the Taliban of not appointing qualified individuals to positions.