
Taliban discusses participation in third Doha meeting

KABUL, Afghanistan — The Taliban-run Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Wednesday that it held a meeting to discuss the third Doha meeting and their engagement with the international community.

The ministry said the meeting reviewed the Taliban’s stance on previous Doha meetings and future ones.

Zakir Jalali, head of the Taliban’s political department, remarked that the second Doha meeting was “unproductive” due to their absence.

Jalali mentioned that the decision regarding their participation in the third Doha meeting will be announced later.

The ministry highlighted recent visits by United Nations officials to Kabul, noting a “positive change” in interactions compared to the first and second Doha meetings.

Jalali stated that Taliban representatives will participate in the main discussions of the third meeting.

He added that the agenda for the third Doha meeting shows positive changes, focusing on financial and banking issues, drug control, alternative livelihoods for farmers, private sector development, and climate change.

The third Doha meeting is scheduled to take place on June 30. The Taliban did not attend the second Doha meeting held in February. The UN Secretary-General, at the conclusion of that meeting, stated that the absence of the Taliban did not affect its proceedings.