
Pakistan deports over 870 migrants to Afghanistan

KABUL, Afghanistan — The Taliban-run Ministry of Refugees announced on Wednesday that 872 migrants deported by Pakistan returned to Afghanistan on Tuesday, May 28.

In a statement, the ministry reported that 102 families, comprising 537 refugees, crossed back into Afghanistan via the Torkham border, while an additional 66 families, including 335 migrants, returned through the Spin Boldak crossing.

Meanwhile, the Taliban-run Bakhtar News Agency reported that 73 families returned from Iran via the Abreshom (Silk) route on Tuesday. On the same day, 140 families returned from Iran through the Islam Qala border town.

Pakistan has been expelling Afghan immigrants since last November, following a policy enacted by its interim cabinet that mandates all undocumented migrants to leave or face deportation.

Iran has also requested the United Nations to facilitate the return of Afghan refugees residing within its borders.