UNSC calls for end to Taliban’s ban on women’s jobs, education
The UN Security Council says ban on women from working in NGOs will have a significant impact on humanitarian operations.
The UN Security Council says ban on women from working in NGOs will have a significant impact on humanitarian operations.
One student said Madrasas offering religious classes have also been told to stop teaching girls, despite them all conforming to.
Save the Children, Norwegian Refugee Council and CARE International issued a joint statement stating they are suspending operations in Afghanistan
One Badakhshan student who unsuccessfully tried to submit her university thesis this week said the ‘Taliban has wasted four years.
“There are going to be costs if this is not reversed,” Blinken said of the ban announced on Tuesday.
A women’s rights activist said there is no authority to deal with cases of violence against women, which is exacerbating.
Manager of a private radio station says the Taliban stopped women from working at the media outlet despite it targeting.
Three women from Afghanistan have been hailed as among the top 100 most influential and inspirational women in the world
Women say that in the current context, “gender discrimination against women and their exclusion from decision-making mechanisms is systematic.”
Activists have started calling on the international community to take practical steps against the Taliban as women ‘are being deprived.