Art & Culture

Afghanistan’s pain and suffering showcased at photographic exhibition in Berlin

Photographs by Ahmad Shah Azimi provide a visual narrative of the country’s situation, and highlights the need to preserve freedom.

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Art & Culture

Taliban shuts down Kamaluddin Behzad Gallery in Herat

The decision came in response to the gallery's initiative to conduct calligraphy classes for two young female students.

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Art & Culture

Embassy hosts exhibition showcasing Afghanistan’s culture

Upon the exhibition's inauguration, Afghanistan expatriates in Turkey and representatives from the host nation partook in the event's inauguration.

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Art & Culture

Remembering Abdul Ahmad Khaksar: A stalwart of comedy and artistry

His debut appearance on the national radio and television occurred in Kabul in 1982.

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Art & Culture

Afghanistan: Renowned comedian and actor, Abdul Ahmad Khaksar, dies at 67

Khaksar's most iconic portrayal adorned the TV series "Meerak," a comedic gem from the early 2000s.

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Art & Culture

Art exhibition portrays emotional plight of Afghanistan’s women

Through their art which is currently on display in Kabul, female artists have expressed their desire for restrictions to be.

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Art & Culture

Exploring Kunar’s time-honored tradition: The Pakul hat

The cap is an emblem of Afghanistan’s heritage but also a practical accessory in a region with cold winters and.

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Art & Culture

Kabul woman champions art for female students amid educational constraints

Dozens of young women immerse themselves in the world of art at a workshop in Kabul - which allows them.

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Art & Culture

Kabul’s potters strive to preserve ancient craft amid challenges

Despite the challenges, the potters of Italif district remain steadfast in their determination not to let this historic craft fade.

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Art & Culture

Performing artists concerned about the future of historical Herat Theater

The arts community is worried about plans to erect a four-story building on the site of the theater, which has.

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