
Afghanistan: UN denounces ‘arbitrary’ arrests of civil society activists

UN human rights spokesman says the organization is alarmed by the ongoing arrests and detentions of rights activists and journalists

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Pentagon chief says he has ‘zero regrets’ about Afghanistan withdrawal

Answering questions before a House Armed Services Committee, Austin said as far as he knows, no one has been held.

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Germany temporarily stops issuing visas to migrants from Afghanistan

Visa application procedures have been suspended at German embassies in Islamabad and in Tehran following reports of ‘fraud’

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Russia’s NSA tells SCO members Afghanistan poses ‘major threat’ to security

Nikolay Patrushev told SCO members at a meeting that it is important to watch the situation in Afghanistan closely as.

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Artist projects blood of Afghan refugees onto Cathedral in London

A Russian artist has projected the blood onto London’s St Paul’s Cathedral in protest over Prince Harry’s comments of having.

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Afghanistan: Interest in studying wanes among the people, say Herat booksellers

The booksellers say there are about 100 bookstores in the city and unless the situation improves most of them will.

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SCO security officials meet in Delhi; Afghanistan on agenda

India’s NSA said in his opening remarks terrorism and its financing are amongst the most serious threats to international security

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Taliban continues to hunt Daesh despite repeated denials of group’s existence

The Taliban blames the US for exaggerating the issue, but they have recorded eight attacks on Daesh this month in.

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Who is Matiullah Wesa and why was he arrested?

Wesa is a well known education activist who has spent years working to stamp out illiteracy and promote education across.

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Ex-Australian soldier charged with killing civilian in Afghanistan freed on bail

A Sydney magistrate agreed the risks posed to Schultz by the Taliban and extremist groups while behind bars were too.

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