
Rights watchdog calls on Pakistan to stop ‘harassing and arresting’ Afghanistan’s refugees

Amnesty International says the refugees are ‘caught in an impossible situation, unable to return home or live in Pakistan’

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Taliban’s Muttaqi departs for China to attend Trans-Himalaya Forum

China is all set to host the third edition of the Trans-Himalaya Forum in Tibet from October 4th to 5th.

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As world marks day of non-violence, women in Afghanistan bemoan their plight

Women in the country point out that their protests are always peaceful, but the Taliban respond to their actions with.

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WFP cuts off nutrition aid to one million mothers and children in Afghanistan

This latest cut comes on the heels of last month’s decision to cut aid to two million people in the.

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Taliban’s Muttaqi downplays global calls for inclusive government in Afghanistan

Muttaqi stressed that matters concerning the employment and education of women and girls are internal Afghan affairs.

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Humanitarian aid cuts drive Afghanistan deeper into poverty

People across the country have appealed for help as aid agencies cut back on assistance due to severe budget shortfalls

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US special envoy Rina Amiri urges immediate release of activists Parsi and Parwani

Amiri says the Taliban cannot assert that the lives of Afghans have improved when half of the population is being.

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UNAMA: Justice still elusive for families of Kaaj attack victims

UNAMA says it stands with victims and relatives affected by this and so many other senseless acts of violence in.

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Afghanistan’s embassy in New Delhi shuts down citing lack of support by India

Embassy staff said the lack of support from the Indian government and staff shortages were key reasons for suspending operations

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Central Asian leaders, German chancellor emphasize importance of supporting human rights in Afghanistan

The leaders recognized the international community's efforts to provide humanitarian aid to the Afghan people in a principled manner.

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