
China warns US against ‘redeploying military facilities’ to Afghanistan or region

Photo: Reuters

China has urged the United States to live up to its commitments and responsibilities to Afghanistan and not attempt to “redeploy military facilities” to the country or to countries in the region.

In its latest position paper on Afghanistan, which was released on Wednesday, China also urged the US not to “practice double standards on counter-terrorism, or advance their geopolitical agenda” by supporting terror groups.

In addition, China accused the US of having created the crisis in the country and said “by seizing Afghanistan’s overseas assets and imposing unilateral sanctions, the US, which created the Afghan issue in the first place, is the biggest external factor that hinders substantive improvement in the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan.”

The paper stated that the US should draw lessons from what happened in Afghanistan, “face squarely the grave humanitarian, economic and security risks and challenges in Afghanistan, immediately lift its sanctions, return the Afghan overseas assets, and deliver its pledged humanitarian aid to meet the emergency needs of the Afghan people.”

The position paper also stated Afghanistan should be supported in taking comprehensive measures to address both the symptoms and root causes of terrorism and prevent the country from again becoming a safe haven, breeding ground and source of terrorism. 

On the political front, Beijing stated it hopes Afghanistan will build an open and inclusive political structure, adopt moderate and prudent domestic and foreign policies, and engage in friendly exchanges with all countries, especially neighboring countries. “We hope the Afghan Interim Government (Taliban) will protect the basic rights and interests of all Afghan people, including women, children and all ethnic groups, and continue working actively to meet Afghan people’s interests and the international community’s expectations,” the paper read. 

In addition, China stated it will continue to do its best to help with reconstruction and development in Afghanistan and to promote economic growth and stability.

Beijing issued its position paper the same day that Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang left for Uzbekistan, where he will participate in a foreign ministers meeting on Afghanistan.

Afghanistan’s seven neighboring countries are set to meet on Thursday in Samarkand to discuss the situation in the country and the growing threat of terrorism to the region, that’s emanating from Afghanistan.

The seven countries that will attend the meeting are Russia, China, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Iran.