
As corporal punishments persist, Taliban publicly flog two in Takhar

File photo from a public flogging incident in the central Parwan province. 2022.

As corporal punishments continue by the Taliban, a man and a woman were flogged in public in the northeastern province of Takhar on Sunday.

The two were each lashed 39 times in front of a crowd in the Farkhar district of the province on charges of adultery.

This incident is part of a broader pattern of public punishments carried out by the Taliban in recent weeks. Over the past month, nearly 60 people across various provinces have been publicly flogged by the Taliban.

The United Nations Human Rights Council condemned the Taliban’s use of corporal punishment in a resolution passed last week, calling for an immediate halt to such practices.

Numerous human rights organizations have also denounced the punishments as violations of basic human rights, arguing that they contradict universal human values and norms.