
Iran accelerates execution of Afghan nationals after Taliban takeover, watchdog says

A prominent human rights watchdog has reported a sharp increase in the execution of Afghan nationals in Iran following the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan in August 2021. According to the watchdog, Iran executed 100 people in August 2024, including 11 Afghan citizens.

The report reveals a troubling trend. In 2022, 16 Afghan nationals were executed in Iran, including a teenage offender and a woman. That number rose to 25 Afghan citizens in 2023. In 2024, the pace has quickened: at least 31 Afghans have been executed in the first eight months of the year, with 11 executions in August alone.

Overall, the watchdog reports that at least 402 people have been executed in Iran in 2024, citing charges ranging from premeditated murder to drug offenses. “Of those executed, 50 were convicted of premeditated murder, while 46 faced drug-related charges,” the report said. The implementation of the death penalty, it noted, has intensified following Iran’s presidential election.

The report also highlighted the execution of eight Baloch citizens and nine Kurdish citizens in August, and stated that three individuals were put to death for rape. One execution was carried out in public, the watchdog noted, underscoring the continued use of public executions despite international condemnation.