
UNAMA chief discusses upcoming Doha meeting with Iran’s deputy FM

Roza Otunbayeva, head of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), has held discussions with Ali Bagheri, Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs, regarding the upcoming meeting in Doha about Afghanistan.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry stated in a press statement that recent developments in Afghanistan were among the other topics discussed during the meeting.

According to the statement, Otunbayeva emphasized the need for regional and global alignment to support development and stability in Afghanistan.

The statement further highlighted the complexities of the situation in Afghanistan and the varied positions of different countries.

During the meeting, Otunbayeva reportedly sought Iran’s assistance in fostering constructive cooperation among nations and engaging with the Taliban’s governance in Afghanistan.

Bagheri Kani emphasized that the priority for international organizations concerning Afghanistan should be the welfare of the Afghan people, ensuring security, country development, and improving living and welfare conditions.

Based on the statement, he also underscored the United Nations’ responsibility to play a constructive role in the peace and stability process in Afghanistan.

This comes as Russia boycotted a previous UN-hosted meeting in Doha on Afghanistan, where representatives of the Afghan civil society were present.

A meeting is scheduled to take place in Doha next month, hosted by the United Nations to discuss Afghanistan.